Resolving Conflicts – Interview with Lily Patrascu

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Thank you very much, dear ★ Lily Patrascu ★ for this great interview. 

You asked questions that many people have and I hope that my answers can support them to solve conflicts and other challenging situations at their workplaces.

Conflicts also have a positive function and I have to admit that it isn’t that easy to see this when I am still in the conflict situation.

Once a conflict has been solved in an appreciative way most of the time relationships and teamwork has improved.

It’s worth doing the work and this will contribute to more Love ❤️ & ☮️ Paece in Companies 😊

Discover how to resolve conflict and achieve love and peace at work in this interview with Annette Dernick – the expert in love and peace for companies.
#resolvingconflict #interview #techniques #bookpublishing#globalconsciousness #entrepreneurs

Discover how to resolve conflict and achieve love and peace at work in this interview with Annette Dernick – the expert in love and peace for companies.
#resolvingconflict #interview #techniques#bookpublishing #globalconsciousness#entrepreneurs

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Was für eine grandiose Feier in London🍾🥂.

Herzlichen Dank, liebe Marie Diamond für deine Einladung🤩.Ich habe mich riesig gefreut, dich wieder zu sehen Es war wundervoll euch wunderbare Co-Autor:innen persönlich kennen zu lernen. So